Recording Your Household Belongings

By Andrew Maisch -
July 12, 2023

Do you have a record of your personal belongings in your home? Recently, when updating our homeowners policy, I realized that I do not have official documentation of all the contents of my home. If an unfortunate tragedy or burglary were to occur, I wouldn't have proof of items and content in my home.

A few years ago, our community was hit with a tornado that destroyed dozens of homes. Thankfully, no one was injured. Due to that tragedy, I decided to take a video, with my phone, of our home. As I went through the interior and exterior, I made sure to note big ticket items, such as electronics, appliances, jewelry, etc. in the video. I believe, depending on your insurance carrier's policy, it is a helpful resource for both you and the insurance company to verify home contents and upgrades.

What should you do with the video of your home contents? I recommend you keep a copy on your phone as well as backup a copy to another secure password protected source, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, so you can easily access in the future, if needed.

I hope you never need to access the video as proof of home contents, however, it is always good to be prepared!

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